
Social Media News Releases Assignment

Social Media News Releases

This is the assignment for my PR Writing course.

What is a social media news release?
• According to kathrynvercilloWebsite, “The social media press release takes the basic press release and alters it to be more suitable to the web environment. Like the traditional press release, the goal of the SMPR is to provide concise information to journalists and other web writers, which will assist them in writing about your topic or business. In addition to the basics of the press release, the SMPR makes use of keywords and links to get the attention of a web-savvy audience.”

• So essentially, a social media news release is press release for the online world
o The press release was the online world that people tell their stories to a wide variety of people – journalists, bloggers, publishers and the public at large.

o It is also designed with the community nature of the online world in mind so it can be shared and commented on in social bookmarking, micro blogging and social networking communities.

• I also find some general information about social media news releases through this website realwire, and here are some of those facts:

◦ The content of the SMNR can either be produced in the “traditional” narrative style or be deconstructed so that the core facts, quotes, contact details and boilerplate are all individually segregated to allow users to disseminate its various elements.

• The Linbucket defines SMNRs by saying that “The Social Media Press Release is an evolved approach to preparing press releases characterized by a multimedia and facts-oriented approach. The typical social media press release integrates video clips, bookmarks, citations, blog posts, multiple links and resources allowing the news editor to pick and select individual info items that may best serve his interest, editorial style and audience.”

◦ It can contain with images, audio and video (including embedded social media video including YouTube) as well as links to relevant websites and coverage of resulting online conversations.

• To add to this information, here is a video on YouTube that gives great examples and facts

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a social media news release?

Advantage: Through their multitude of media formats, social media press releases have a higher impact then regular online press release.

• The social media elements encourage sharing news and social bookmarks, images and video, creating a multiplying effect whereby media components travel far by themselves through the social web.

• Social media elements extend the reach of the press release. More media elements mean more channels for exposure.

• Combining the community sharing aspects of the social media press release with keyword content optimization for the news search engines creates higher visibility and a greater competitive advantage

• Social media news releases are tractable across social media, web sites and blogs (found at Adv media productions

Disadvantages: Throughout my research, I find some following information from a blog article about writing SMR. The blogger suggests:

• No aggregation of critical mass.

• Almost no one reads the complete news releases.

• It's really expensive.

• You're working towards the wrong goal.

• Diminished SEO value.

• Incompatible with your (social) multi-media accounts.

When should a PR practitioner consider using a social media news release?

• Anytime that the company/organization has an announcement to release or issue that a lot of people need to hear from them.

Here are five great example of a real social media news release that was created for Southwestern Airlines, Bespoke Phantoms, Cisco Connected Life Contest, Novell SUSE Linux, and ING.

Tips for SMNR writing -PR News Online and Weidert Group
1. You should choose the right keywords. Make sure the keywords you choose are relevant to the topic you’re writing about and that you’ve considered which terms people are most likely to use to find your release.
2. You should add rich media to optimize your press release for search engines. Rich media includes photos, short videos. \ Rich media can capture and hold readers’ attention, and also can index it. Always include a descriptive caption for any media asset you distribute.
3. Supply source codes and URLs for all images. Also consider including charts, slide decks, PDFs and info graphics. If you're including an executive's take in the release—especially if they're quotes that Steve Jobs would be proud of—include their photo and add links to their bios and social profiles.
4. Once you’ve determined the best keywords to use, include them in the headline, sub headline and body of your press release. Your headline is the most important factor to consider when optimizing your press release, so you’ll want to start there.
5. Don’t forget to also include your company’s logo with your release, because it will likely be the image that comes up when someone directly searches for your company name.
6. While it’s important to use anchor text – the visible, click-able text in a hyperlink – to figure out what the linked page is about and why it’s relevant.
7. To promote SMR with a blog post, include a link to the release. This will improve the chances that more people will see your release. You should also share the blog post on all your social media platforms as a way to increase the chance your press release will be seen and/or shared. Link out to social bookmarking and social media sites, such as delicious and Digg.
8. Try to keep things interesting and your words short and effective
9. Add icons that connect to all social content from the company and provide social sharing links so others can like your news on Facebook, tweet it right from your news release, post it to a host of other social sites or e-mail it to friend. For example, post your videos on YouTube and your photos on Flickr. Post components of your release to appropriate sites would increase search engine visibility.

